Friday, October 16, 2009

Media's lack of attention

On October 14, 2009 Steve Benen took to his blog, Washington Monthly, to discuss the media’s lack of attention to the gay rights rally that happened on Sunday October 11, 2009 particularly one network: Fox News Channel. The gay rights rally had the same turn out as September’s Tea Party Rally but was deemed more news worthy than gay rights. Benen took to Jon Stewart’s coverage of the matter where Stewart pointed out that Fox, who loves protests and angry Americans, spent 3 minutes and 42 seconds between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 p.m. covering their issues while in the same day they spent 8 minutes and 16 seconds covering the much smaller protest of parents in New Jersey over the song their children sang about President Obama. The only on-air coverage they showed of the rally didn’t even come from their own network but an aerial view of the march from ABC. To add more concern to the lack of attention it got NBC spent less time covering it than they did with their “Honeymoon in Hell” special and CNN sent a camera crew to the march but didn’t assign an on-air correspondent to cover it. MSNBC was the only network mentioned in Benen’s commentary to have sent a reporter out to the rally. 75,000 Americans looking for equal rights wasn’t news worthy to many and Fox News proved that. The intended audience for Benen’s commentary are those to fail to notice everyone as equals. Both Stewart and Benen are speaking out to Fox News Affiliates and other networks to realizes their mistake and hopefully change their course of action when deciding what they find newsworthy and not. It is sad when a network like Fox chooses to show a supposed spot of where a much smaller protest took place and choose to ignore 75,000 people marching in front of the United States capitol that happens to be right outside of their window.

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