Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It has been almost one year since Barack Obama was elected President and in this one year what has Obama accomplished? Nothing. In following politics I have seen President Obama speak at numerous engagements and to numerous crowds about what he plans to do like the health care reform, getting the troops out of Afghanistan, declaring peace, helping to get rid of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy and more. Shouldn't at least one of those promises have been made by now? Health care is in election at the moment with its supporters and many debators. If the health care reform bill passes how will it effect you and your loved ones? Are you for it or against it? These are questions circling inside many Americans minds over this issue. How do you feel knowing that the government could be in control over a life and death situation? Being in office only one year Obama has only declared one issue: Health care. Does this mean that we should expect only one issue to be taken care of every year he is in office? It took eight years for President Bush to ruin America and with Obama wanting to set out and "change America" he isn't doing a great job at it so far. Obama has another three years to change our situation and change our minds. Respect should be given to Obama and his administration for what they are wanting to do and what they are trying to do but people want answers and relief that they are not getting. Our government needs to help its nation, not destroy it.

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