Friday, December 11, 2009

More Troops? Really?

It is ridiculous that eight years after beginning this war on terrorism we are so far off course that it is frustrating. I backed the war when we first went in. We all thought our main purpose of going into it was to take out Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. We, as a country alone, cannot stop terrorism completely. I agree with Over the Hills and Through the Woods that in the beginning we had other countries standing behind us and year after year one by one they backed off and were not supporting us as they once did. At some point I understand why. We lost our reasons for being in war. We got sidetracked with Bush's need to seek revenge for what his father went through and it cost us trillions of dollars and many lives to make him happy. I support the troops in their want of defending our country but at what point should our government say enough is enough. We have not succeeded in the ways we would have hoped. I in no way believe that there should be more troops sent over to fight because more than likely not even half of them will come back alive. What is the point in starting peace by breaking it? I am all for bringing world peace but we are going about it the wrong way and I agree that the moment we pull out all hell will break lose and who will the world run to for support? The United States. I feel had we taken care of business 8 years ago we wouldn't have to worry about this at the moment. I am happy that Saddam was captured and executed but at that moment it was time to stop Al Qaeda not keep fighting a useless war against something we cannot fully stop.

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