Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time for equal rights

Through facts and humor Notes on a Nation present a commentary on the state of union in which same-sex couples are not allowed to share in the sanctity of marriage as those of opposite couples. There was a time not too long ago when whites and blacks were not allowed to communicate with one another, when blacks were stoned and spit on for walking down the street and in time that subsided and we now have elected a black President. As issue like gay marriage has been and will always be an issue and in time the same issues we had of yesteryear with African-Americans will be in our past as well. In 2008 when California decided to legalize gay marriage it was a huge step for equal rights, minus the benefits of marriage through the government such as taxes and health care, Within those few short months many residents of California and the many who ventured out to the state to marry were as happy as could be and within those few short months it was also taken away by Proposition 8. Luckily those who had the privilege of being married are legally still married but the opportunity was taken away for many others until Maine decided to legalize. Now Maine has put it back on the ballots to decide whether to keep it legal or take the privilege away. When it comes to those who disagree with same-sex couples getting married are those of religious intent. To each his own when it comes to your own opinion and state-of-mind but no one should be denied the same rights as everyone else. Growing up Catholic I came to know that God made each of us in his own eyes and he loves us no matter what. Catholicism is one of the oldest religions in the world and if they can respect and welcome with open arms the gay community then why are other religions or churches so ignorant? In today's society it is time to learn to love one another, accept one another, respect one another and help one another. Notes on a Nation provided a pie chart to the effects of gay marriage to prove a point, I do not see the-end-of-the-world happening because of it. Do you?