Friday, September 18, 2009

Obama reaches to youth for support on health care bill

In an article written by National Public Radio, Obama set out to talk to the youth generation about his new health care bill. On Thursday, President Obama spoke to a packed crowd at the University of Maryland's Comcast Center about their importance to helping the bill pass because of it's defining struggles to our generation. We, as a generation, make up a big chunk of the uninsured. According to Obama the solution rests in the young, healthy people due to our lower usage of health care, our premiums will help the overall coverage for the older generation who need the health care but lack the insurance to cover their statuses. Speaking on a personal note, I am for the bill strictly because I just lost my health insurance not too long ago. I was covered under my parents plan but due to my age now I was knocked off. I am searching for a new health care coverage and to be able to have this plan go through will help me in the long run for my health because I am a very complicated individual because I tend to injure myself often through sports and natural activities like walking. Obama believes that America needs the voice of the young people to transform the nation and so do I, the question remains, "Are You Ready?"